Thanks to a great group of responsive candidates and WONDERFUL group of volunteers, we had over 100 people attend our event, even with the horrible winds and rain!
Many thanks to the Walkers for the use of their guest ranch. We couldn't have done it without them!
We will keep adding photos and information from the event as both become available.
Here's to this sort of multi-partisan educational and informational event becoming even more popular in the following years!

Setting up for the event

watches the Arizona State candidates
Candidates introduce themselves: (Unfortunately we do not have photos of everyone as there were lighting issues). Also, for a larger photo, click on the photos here. If you were there and have pictures you would like to share, please send to . Thank you!

AZ LD 30 Senate Candidate Georgette Valle

AZ LD 30 Candidate Georgette Valle speaks as the other candidates listen.
Candidates From left to right: Santa Cruz County District 3 Joel Kramer, Juan Andres-Ibarra, LD 30 House Frank Antenori, LD 30 Senate Georgette Valle, ACC Barry Wong, Paul Newman, Marian McClure and Sandra Kennedy.

Candidates at Meet and Greet that I can see in photo: Congressional District 8 Paul Davis, Pima County Supervisor District 4 Ray Carroll, Sarah Price (representative for Paul Price, CD 8) Nicole (campaign manager for Gabrielle Giffords CD 8) and LD 30 Senate Candidate Jonathan Paton.

Candidates from left to right: Santa Cruz County Supervisor District 3 John Maynard, Joel Kramer, Juan Andres-Ibarra, AZ LD 30 House Andrea Dalessandro, Frank Antenori, AZ LD 30 Senate Georgette Valle, ACC Barry Wong, Paul Newman, Marian McClure, Sandra Kennedy
Candidates get ready to take a seat. Campaign literature table in the background. None were turned away-all were welcome to leave information about local campaigns and initiatives.
In photo, ACC Candidates from left to right: Marian McClure and Sandra Kennedy.

Commissioner Mundell-Key note speaker to his right-Moderator Marshall Magruder

Yes, the horse is still making sure things are ok.

ACC Candidate Barry Wong talks with one of the volunteers.

The crowd eats, mingles and gets ready for an evening of questions.

Volunteer Mel and friend Carolyn

Pima County Supervisor District 4 Candidate Ray Carroll listening to the concerns of two constinuents before the questions begin. He ceded his time during the forum so the Santa Cruz County candidates could have more questions.

AZ Legislative District 30 Candidate Andrea Dalessandro introduces herself. Chief Whitehouse of the Corona de Tucson Fire Department takes notes.

Santa Cruz County District 3 Supervisor Candidate Joel Kramer Introduces himself.

AZ Legislative District 30 Candidate Frank Antenori introduces himself.

Yes, the horse is still keeping an eye on things as Santa Cruz County Supervisor District 3 Candidate Juan Andres-Ibarra introduces himself.

Santa Cruz County District 3 Supervisor Candidate John Maynard Introduces himself.

Pima County District 4 Supervisor Candidate Ray Carroll has his cake (I'm sure he ate it too) Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)