Arizona State Mine Inspector /Justice of the Peace #7

Arizona State Mine Inspector 
Invitations were sent to both candidates for AMSI. Mr. Cruz will be attending the Meet and Greet to visit with constituents and will be a part of the Q and A session of the Forum from 5:00 - 7:30pm

(D) Manuel Cruz

(from his website)

As we look at Arizona's future, we have to ask ourselves "Do we want another West Virginia disaster in our state, or do we want someone that puts Arizonans and mine safety first?" In the last 6 months, the country has had over 50 mining deaths with 2 of those being in Arizona. Every year, accidents and injuries have increased and are currently at an all time high. Mr. Cruz's years of experience in the mining industry and impeccable track record of bringing miners home safely make him the best choice for Arizona State Mine Inspector.

We welcome any Statewide, Santa Cruz and Pima County Candidates to be a part of our Meet and Greet from 4:30-5:00pm. We will recognize any candidate in attendence who notifies us a minimum of two days before the event.

Justice of the Peace Judicial Precinct 7

Gail Wight
From her website

Ms. Wight’s mission is to administer justice in a professional, fair, and impartial manner with integrity. She will continue to advocate for the Green Valley Justice Court for information and services by applying for "grants" and "special fees" to enhance the court. This includes educating and protecting all who use the Court and serving the community to its highest level of efficiency and accountability.


In preparing this material, every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct. 
The sponsorship of the listed hosts/organizations should in no way be construed as an endorsement of any individual, their positions, or partisan affiliations. Our participation in this event is limited to supporting the idea of educating the public regarding candidates who wish to run for public office and/or learning about public issues that may be presented in the November 2, 2010 general election.