School Board Candidates/Propositions

Suzanne Roelike, Vail Unified School District Governing Board Candidate, is scheduled to attend the Meet and Greet Portion of our event from 4:30-5:30pm

From her online position statement:

Suzanne was born in Minneapolis, MN. After completion of her Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Minnesota, she moved moved to Arizona with her family. Suzanne was the acting President for the Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT) of Tucson. She completed the Partners in Policymaking Training to learn how to motivate our Legislators to ensure funding of requested educational reform. She is an active Board Member of the Vail Community Action Board (VCAB). Suzanne is also the Parish Business Manager at Saint Rita in the Desert, located between the railroad tracks in Historic Vail, AZ.

Ballot Initiatives (Propositions) and Local Elections

Statewide Ballot Initiatives: Invitations were sent to a proponent and opponent of each proposition on the ballot. Information was obtained from the Arizona Elections website.

Scheduled proponent and opponent attendees for the meet and greet component of the forum:

Prop. 203

Pro: Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project

Pima County Schools:
Governing Board Candidates:

Santa Cruz County Schools

Santa Cruz County Elections
Santa Cruz County School Superintendent:

Vail Unified School District: An invitation was sent to Citizens of Vail for Education to attend the meet and greet portion of the event.
Ballot Initiative:

Governing Board Candidates with candidate statement linkgs(2 positions available) An invitation was sent to each candidate for  the meet and greet portion of the event.

Anderson, Claudia E
Dawley, Del
Kinkade, Randal S
Roelike, Suzanne M


In preparing this material, every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct. .

The sponsorship of the listed hosts/organizations should in no way be construed as an endorsement of any individual, their positions, or partisan affiliations. Our participation in this event is limited to supporting the idea of educating the public regarding candidates who wish to run for public office and/or learning about public issues that may be presented in the November 2, 2010 general election.